Author: Reuben Zelwer

What has driven the major increase in share market volatility over the last few month. My guest today is Jon Reilly, the Chief Investment Officer at Implemented Portfolios. Implemented Portfolios is a company that helps financial advisers provide portfolio management solutions to their clients. Jon...

Research shows that being in control of your finances is a critical part of your overall wellbeing. In particular, while debt can be used to help move your life forward, it’s also one of the greatest barriers to having financial freedom. How do you achieve...

We collectively send and receive an enormous amount of data every second, and with the way things are going, it doesn’t look like we’ll be stopping anytime soon. While the sheer size does seem intimidating, businesses would do best to know exactly what their data...

Episode 57 - Starting a movement with Steve Crawford Financial advice in some form should be accessible to everyone. Whilst we often associate financial advice with investments and managing cash flow, changing behaviour around money management and measuring progress towards lifestyle goals, does not receive as...

Has the price of your house fallen by 10%, 15% or even 20%? Who do you believe? The newspaper, your local real estate agent or trusted financial planner? To help shed light on the subject, we have podcast favorite Tim Farrelly. Tim is the owner of...

In modern times, we’ve come a long way when it comes to gender equality. Yet there still persist, stubborn problems - particularly in the workforce. Gabi Crafti is a barrister specialising in regulatory matters and commercial law and the founder of the Jewish Professional Women’s...