Author: Reuben Zelwer

Episode 65 - Buy banks or property with Roger Montgomery Let’s say you have only two investment options. Buy bank shares or invest in residential property. Which would you choose? That’s what my returning guest Roger Montgomery will try to answer. In this episode, Roger discusses...

Sustainability, energy efficiency, and becoming environmentally-friendly have become a major focus for business owners and individuals alike. Whether it’s due to the financial savings opportunity or their concern for the environment and global warming, many people seek cost-effective ways to “go green.” My guest today...

Since the release of the Royal Commission report, there has been a lot of outrage within the financial industry - particularly with mortgage brokers. One of which is regarding how consumers will get mortgage loans in the future. My guest today is Grant Rheuben, the...

The Royal Commission Report finally came out, and as expected it had a lot of points I think are worthy of an extensive discussion. Joining me today to do just that is my friend James Williamson of Millhaven Financial Services. James and I analyse the...

How do you know if your business is running at its best? What changes do you apply if you find out it’s anything but efficient? That’s what Business Optimiser Brett Schwarz wants us to learn in today’s episode. Brett has extensive experience enabling businesses to...