
Getting your Finances Under Control  No.1 Pay Yourself First Set aside part of every dollar you earn. Ideally you should look to save 10% of everything you earn. This money is not being saved to buy a new car, have a holiday, or even buy a house. It...

Getting your Finances Under Control  No.3 Grow Your Wealth    Now that you have started saving a part of every dollar you earn, you should look to having it grow in value. The investment earnings achieved should be added to your growing pool of savings....

So, you are seriously starting to think about your retirement. The kids are finally more independent, the mortgage is less than it was, and the super is more than it was (at last). You look at your monthly bank statements and one particular debit is always...

It’s a widely accepted fact that Australians love a good renovation. In recent times, it has become increasingly popular with the introduction of TV reality shows such as Channel 9’s The Block and Channel 7’s House Rules, attracting millions of viewers. My own experience renovating my...

Every parent wants the best for their child, so if you are in a position to invest money specifically for your children’s future, you should follow the same approach as if you were investing personally. Start with clearly identifying why you are investing, set a goal...

Each new generation will treat money differently to the last, but children of the 21st Century certainly have many more uses for money than those of the last century. Not all that long ago a bike or Barbie doll was a 5-year-old’s gift of choice;...