
With bank rates at an all-time low, what are your alternatives to generate income? Reuben Zelwer CFP® is a Financial Planner with more than 15 years' experience in helping clients establish and manage portfolios which meet their dual objectives of providing income and long term capital...

A result of the recent short term volatility and overall declines in major indices around the world are better valuations and hence improved forecast returns from these lower prices. Overall the shifts have been largely proportional relative to other asset classes. We are unfortunately in one...

Having just taken a trip with the family to Vietnam, I thought now is a better time than ever to write to you about an issue that almost all of us have had to consider when travelling overseas. Credit cards are part of our everyday lives....

I am proud to be part of the global community of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals...

A result of the recent short term volatility and overall declines in major indices around the world are better valuations and hence improved forecast returns from these lower prices. Overall the shifts have been largely proportional relative to other asset classes. The more things change, the...

The following article comes off the back of a fascinating podcast by the Freakonomics author Stephen Dubner. A full link to the podcast is provided at the end. Generally speaking, it is believed that diamonds are rare. In fact, within the US, diamonds are the second-most-common...