
It is worth noting again the divergence within International Equities. For Developed Markets we have the United States in the upper part of the Fully Priced range with relatively low commensurate returns, and most of Europe in the Cheap valuation band, though not without some...

The primary tool that the world’s central banks have at their disposal is to set short term interest rates, from which other investments are priced either directly or indirectly, using this cash rate as a reference. We often refer to it as a risk free...

Superannuation can be one of the most baffling topics when it comes to managing our finances so let’s relate looking for the right fund to something that might be more enjoyable – buying a new car. What do you look for? Size and speed The engine of...

Getting your Finances Under Control  No.5 Invest In Your Home    Owning your own home provides security for you and your family and home ownership is the aspiration of most Australians. Home ownership also delivers favourable tax concessions in that any gain we achieve on the sale of our...

Getting your Finances Under Control  No.7 Invest In Yourself   One way of building wealth is to increase our capacity to earn. To achieve this is to be willing, irrespective of our age, to increase our knowledge and skills through continuing education and training. Many people expect their employer to...

  Getting your Finances Under Control  No.6 Protect Yourself and Your Assets    We all understand how important it is to insure our possessions, be it our home and its contents, our car and the like. But how many of us have adequate insurance on our life and our ability...