Author: Reuben Zelwer

When you’re at your lowest point, the only way is up, unless we’re talking about the recent trend in interest rates. Like a downward spiral, interest rates haven’t exactly found a floor to land on just yet, but our guest Tim Farrelly has some bold...

When you want to start a business, you need two things: a profitable idea and capital. Unfortunately, major banks aren’t exactly kind to budding entrepreneurs, which increases the need for banks that specifically cater to the business-minded. Ben Tuszynski is a Director of Relationships Judo...

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to claim that traditional print media is on its way out. The social media age has turned digital marketing into the most critical piece of your lead generating strategy. How exactly does digital marketing work? Is it all about making...

The royal commission into financial services has unleashed a whole raft of class actions against some of the biggest financial services companies in Australia.  What should companies do when faced with a class action? Settle or fight to the bitter end? That is what my...

There’s no doubt podcasting has become more than just a fad in recent years. What looked like a trend that would eventually fade away turned out to be the next big thing since social media. As fun and exciting as podcasting sounds, there’s actually a...

  There’s actually something much worse than receiving bills - it’s forgetting about them. It’s not a problem if you already budgeted for them or if you still manage to pay on time, but if you don’t, you get penalised which costs more money. This is...