Growing your wealth

I had an interesting meeting the other day with some new clients. We previously had spoken on the phone a few years back when they were considering seeking advice. I had kept a file note of this discussion which I reviewed before getting together with...

The following article comes off the back of a fascinating podcast by the Freakonomics author Stephen Dubner. A full link to the podcast is provided at the end. Generally speaking, it is believed that diamonds are rare. In fact, within the US, diamonds are the second-most-common...

Many of our readers are familiar with the expression "past returns are not indicative of future returns". It is the standard text that comes with any advertisement or research for share market based investments. NB You will never hear this statement from your local real...

Superannuation can be one of the most baffling topics when it comes to managing our finances so let’s relate looking for the right fund to something that might be more enjoyable – buying a new car. What do you look for? Size and speed The engine of...

Every parent wants the best for their child, so if you are in a position to invest money specifically for your children’s future, you should follow the same approach as if you were investing personally. Start with clearly identifying why you are investing, set a goal...