
“Global growthsolid at trend rates”1 is a headline to which followers of the world economy have become unaccustomed in recent years, yet there it was in the Financial Times. The article referenced an update from the Research Director at the International Monetary Fund given at...

Are you clear on what after tax (non‑concessional) contributions you can contribute in a year? With the Government abandoning its policy to introduce a $500,000 lifetime cap for non-concessional contributions are you clear on what non-concessional contributions you can make to superannuation now? Non-concessional contributions are contributions...

There has been a small adjustment to the risk free rate used in the table below. This is the threshold between the Fully Priced valuation and the Overpriced band and is consistent with the average return available on a 5 year term deposit form the...

Pleasingly there has been a reasonably sustained rally in most asset classes over the last couple of months, and this is reflected in somewhat reduced long term return expectations. Importantly, in Australian Equities the Financials sector has participated in this move, compared with the recent...

The reverberations experienced following the Brexit vote have largely given way to reasonably solid rallies in most investment markets around the world. Some are describing these as temporary relief rallies, while others think the initial moves were an over-reaction, particularly for those of us on the other side...

On the 3rd of May, federal treasurer Scott Morrison put forward a number of proposed changes, mainly around contributions to superannuation and taxation. Here’s a brief roundup of what the proposals regarding superannuation could mean for you. Remember, proposals are not set in stone and...