
Getting your Finances Under Control  No.4 Protect Your Capital  In order to protect our savings from loss, care must be exercised to ensure the security of our principal. Before investing, understand the associated risks and, if the risk is unacceptable, look for a more suitable alternative. Take advice from...

  Getting your Finances Under Control  No.2 Manage Expenses We all have expenses that need to be met in order to live, including food, housing, clothing and transport. But many of us spend unnecessarily on “other stuff”. This is what we call discretionary spending and it often consumes most, if not...

Getting your Finances Under Control  No.1 Pay Yourself First Set aside part of every dollar you earn. Ideally you should look to save 10% of everything you earn. This money is not being saved to buy a new car, have a holiday, or even buy a house. It...

Getting your Finances Under Control  No.3 Grow Your Wealth    Now that you have started saving a part of every dollar you earn, you should look to having it grow in value. The investment earnings achieved should be added to your growing pool of savings....

One of the most popular questions we are asked by our clients is whether it’s best to pay off their mortgage first or salary sacrifice money into their super fund – or can they do both? The answer to this question is never the same...

Euphoria sweeps reason aside when the market bolts. Resist the temptation to overstay the party and you'll avoid the hangover....