Market Update

Monthly Economic & Investment Market Commentary December 2012 As well as a quick review of the major events of 2012, we will focus on outlining our views for the New Year, and discussing the likely issues that will influence the performance of investment markets and your portfolio....

Monthly Economic & Investment Market Commentary November 2012 As mentioned last month, we are going to spend some time discussing China and their new leadership now that a few weeks have passed since the transition, but we will also briefly visit the United States where there looks...

Monthly Economic & Investment Market Commentary October 2012 The seemingly interminable election campaign in the United States has at last concluded with quite a strong showing from the Democratic Party. President Obama has won a second term, Republicans have retained the House but with a slightly smaller...

Monthly Economic & Investment Market Commentary September 2012 We are going to draw on a couple of research reports for our monthly discussion, including the latest World Economic Outlook from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank’s East Asia and Pacific Data Monitor and also a...

Monthly Economic & Investment Market Commentary August 2012 In today's world where such a vast amount of information is so readily available, one needs to be vigilant towards succumbing to confirmation bias, that is the tendency to seek out information and sources that support the views you...

Quarterly Asset Allocation Update August 2012 In recent weeks we have participated in a number of discussions about the importance of having a clearly articulated investment philosophy, and so we thought it would be useful to start off by restating the philosophy that guides our management...