Mortgage vs super With interest rates on the rise and investment returns increasingly volatile, Australians with... 14 October, 2022
How much super do I need to retire? Working out how much you need to save for retirement is a question that keeps many pre-retirees... 10 September, 2022
A super window of opportunity New rules coming into force on July 1 will create opportunities for older Australians to boost... 05 July, 2022
How to mange rising interest rates Rising interest rates are almost always portrayed as bad news, by the media and by politicians of... 03 June, 2022
The road ahead for shares Trying to time investment markets is difficult if not impossible at the best of times, let alone... 06 May, 2022
Sharing Super a win-win for couples Australia’s superannuation system is based on individual accounts, with men and women treated equally. But that’s where equality ends. It’s a simple fact that women generally retire with much less super than men. 22 April, 2022